He is the serpent, carnal desire,and the angel of death all rolled into one.He and his demonic host descended from heaven to seduce the first human pair,and he is still seducing to this day. He planted the vine, the forbidden tree of paradise,and loves to give knowledge to man whenever he can.Was one of the leaders of the angels who married the daughters of men,and now will go down to a suburb of Atlanta on a Wednesday and pick up a soccer mom just for fun.Black suit,Black tie,crisp white shirt is what he prefers these days. He presides over the second "teḳufah" (solstice) and the west wind of the fourth teḳufah, as well as the third day of the week.He is so bloody powerful The spot in the moon is supposed to have been caused by the evil stain of his work. Rabbi Isaac states:
'Truly I shall give you a hint, that the reason for all the jealousies which exist between the princes mentioned above, and the [other, good] princes which belong to the seven classes, the classes of the holy angels which are called 'the guardians of the walls,' the reason which evokes hatred and jealousy between the heavenly powers and the powers of the supreme host, is one form which is destined for Samael, and it is Lilith, and it has the image of a feminine form, and Samael is in the form of Adam and Lilith in the form of Eve. Both of them were born in a spiritual birth as one, similar to the form of Adam and Eve, like two pairs of twins, one above and one below. Samael and the Eve the Elder, which is called the Northern one, they are emanated from below the Throne of Glory, and this was caused by the Sin.'

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