“The Chö[d]pa’s very lifestyle on the fringe of society – dwelling in the solitude of burial grounds and haunted places, added to the mad behavior and contact with the world of darkness and mystery – was enough for credulous people to view the Chödpa in a role usually attributed to shamans and other exorcists, an assimilation which also happened to medieval European shepherds. Only someone who has visited one of Tibet’s charnel fields and witnessed the offering of a corpse to the vultures may be able to understand the full impact of what the Chöd tradition refers to as places that inspire terror.”In contemporary Occultism, a man named Ryan Parker wrote something called The Rite of the Ghouls,a ritual based upon the work of Kenneth Grant,Phil Hine and the "Cultes des Goules" used by Abbe' Boullan in his Lyons workings.This is a fantasic ritual with many hidden Physiological effects within it that could be harmful to the unprepared Art worker.I've been working on something along the same lines but with a focus on the Windigo and the so called "Wendigo Psychosis",a mental disorder in which a person intensely craves human flesh and thinks they are turning into a cannibal (despite an abundance of healthy food available).I believe there is a rich mine of LHP ritual here that can push the shaman to the point of no return and bring about real change outside of the"normal"human mode of understanding.Edmonton ethno-historian Nathan Carlson called it the Windigo condition, which haunted communities right across northern Alberta in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries and cost dozens of lives.
The Windigo is a Anglicized form of the word Witiko.Carlson describes it as “the consummate predator of humanity.” It’s sometimes described as “an owl-eyed monster with large claws, matted hair, a naked emaciated body and a heart made of solid ice.”.“It’s extremely destructive,” he says. “The more it eats, the hungrier it gets, so it just keeps killing."Windigos can possess people, transforming them into wild-eyed, violent, flesh-eating maniacs with superhuman strength. Many native people in northern Alberta lived in terror of being possessed.“It’s important to understand that cannibalism was repellent to the people,” Carlson explains. “The Windigo personified evil."To bring about this change for a short time and then return to "normal human morality"may provide a boon to the LHP worker trying to break free of his or her own cultural conditioning. Wendigos are said to be notoriously hard to kill. "This thing is a good hunter in the day, but an unbelievable hunter at night." They have few weakness, as far as weapons are concerned, it can only be killed by iron, steel and silver. The most gruesome method of disposal is by shattering the creature's ice heart with a silver stake and then dismembering the body with a silver axe.one account of the Wendigo took place 650 years ago, an entire civilization and culture vanished without a trace.I am talking of the Anasazi,who came to Angel Canyon at least 10,000 years ago and was thought to be a peaceful farming society.But, modernization brought about its destruction. Society soon became centralized as political/religious leaders took control, built roads to outlying the colonies and trade routes to other civilizations. Then, about 800 years ago the economy collapsed, the land had become overworked and the leaders became tyrannical. The Anasazi moved their homes into caves high in the cliff walls and prepared to defend themselves. To add to the troubles was a gang of roaming Toltec outlaws that often invaded their small communities, terrorizing, murdering and even eating members of the Anasazi tribe!The shamans of the Tribe believed that the Toltec were possessed by the spirit of the Windigo,and rather than fight back, the Anasazi responded with a mass exodus- just walking away and leaving their troubles behind them. The Anasazi migrated South, eventually building a new culture and religion that we know as the Hopi.This is just the tip of the Iceberg when it comes to Windigo lore,and I will be writing and talking more on it as the ritual takes shape in a form that can be done without harm to myself and those around me....till then,stay Hungry.
beautifully done, well written. love the hat btw
ReplyDeleteFascinating! I had thought the Wendigo was only a North American creature. I wasn't aware of other cultural beliefs on this (I.e. Arab).