Wisdom of Eosphoros: The Luciferian Philosophy Paperback – May 14, 2015
Sometimes a book comes out about Luciferian Ideas, and Lucifer himself, that is filled with technical jargon,ritual and the fluff that only a Cambridge graduate can even begin to understand...This is Not that book.A clear and concise outline of the philosophy of the Greater Church of Lucifer,written in everyday language yet filled with facts on the history of Lucifer and the way that you would go about bringing about your own Luciferian Ascension,with or without ritual.Luciferian principles march with vigor along side such concepts as the NLE (
new luciferian era),the Mayan calendar,The Critical Mass theory, Aleister Crowley's Thelemic Aeons and the Precession of the Equinoxes.This book gives a core foundation for the Greater Church of Lucifer to grow from, and a way for the beginner on the Left Hand Path to apply this philosophy to his or her life.With tools like the 11 points of Power and Mental Vibrations,the new seeker of the black light can dig deep into the self and find the Truth.When you cut away all the Hyperbole about the Luciferian way,that is what is left behind,the truth that each man and woman seeks within themselves.And this text is a wonderful first step in that process.Self-liberation is the key to such a step,and this book gives you a way to find those next steps that you must take without doing the work for you.Like any good book on the path,it evokes more questions then answers,and in my opinion that is a very good thing.Mastery over your own world can only come by questioning the life you lead and the philosophy that you espouse.To question the Luciferian way IS the Luciferian way,and it is quite refreshing that the Greater Church of Lucifer has the moxie to point that out. I hope to to see more from this organization and plan on keeping an eye on their publications for quite some time to come.In conclusion,I feel that this work would be a fine addition to any man or woman's collection on philosophy and the occult,the Left Hand Path needs more books like this one,I tip my Hat to the authors,and recommend it highly to any seeker of knowledge and subjective truth,as if there was any other kind of truth to seek.
-By Vincent Piazza
Beautifully reviewed.... I can also validate this book to be a great light of guidance given the titles reference... The light bearer indeed shines truth on societies darkest moments. The restrains of religious dogmas holding back every avanue fed to any unsuspecting gullible walking towards it's halo of falsehoods... The Roman Church being the greatest example of this restraint of potential spiritual growth... I have read up to page 77 so far and feel Hope Marie's contribution most beneficial to my own Luciferian reflections on this philosophy of life... I can relate whole heartily to what she and all the other great contributors have said about this subject... whilst meditating wearing the sigil of Lucifer, which I have to say is a powerful symbol in its self and not to be used lightly by uninitiated... I posed some questions in his direction and was graciously directed to Azazel, whom I have discovered is a bit of war Lord and archangel of death.. Being directed further to my enquiring nature of truth and guidance in the matter, I read an excellent two hundred page Tome, book however you wish to word, words... The book of Azazel by a fine black magician whom most people are aware of going by the name E.A. Koetting.... I highly recommend reading this book and be taken on a magical journey of ones mans endeavour to break free from his chains and find liberation through a pact with Azazel... Only the strong of will and courageous dare tread this path of liberation and damnation... Through damnation you are reborn again... I find that a fascinating concept... He states clearly to truly have communion with these ancient Gods, Angels, demons whatever you imagine them to be so... You have to make a pact with them to gain any true power and knowledge... It's part of the bargain... apololgies went off subject for a moment.. To conclude my own limited findings so far. I love the Greater Church of Lucifers Philosphies and wish the bloody Muslims would also wise up too and become Lucifers themselves instead of worshipping a false God created by Lucifer himself... Roars satanic laughter in the wafts of incense smoke...